how to guide students into accounting

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do you know any accountants personally? three out of four accounting majors/minors know an accountant personally, confirming the highly influential role of personal connections. (caq)

top five turn-offs and who they’d listen to.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

why would anyone want to be an accountant? long, grueling hours under green eyeshades, cranking a calculator in a back room, thinking nothing but numbers, numbers, numbers …

actual accountants know that such a description is not an accurate, let alone a fair, description of their work. the truth is accountancy is as much about working with people as with numbers. it’s an area of business that touches on all areas of business and even the welfare of families. it’s challenging, rewarding and can actually be exciting.

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the trouble is students have little idea what a career in accountancy is like. and those of ethnic minority, unlikely to have an accountant in the family or even the neighborhood, have even less notion of what an accountant does for a living.